Dani𝕖l𝕖 Shlomit Sof𝕖r
Media Scholar · Music Theorist · Performer

"Admirably, this book demands a full-blown reappraisal of the electroacoustic canon and its masculinist, heteronormative tropes."
Neural, 5 July, 2024 Link
Gavin S.K. Lee, “Feminist Theory 2.0,” Music Analysis 43/i (2024): 175-187 Link
Chris Stover, “For an Equi-vocal Becoming: Danielle Schlomit Sofer’s Sex Sounds and Affective Politics,” Journal of Extreme Anthropology 7/1 “Global Perspectives on Music, Affect and Politics” (2023) Link
Kurrt Newman, Musicworks 144 (2023) Link
“Sounds of Dayton”
Principal Investigator
Sonic Ecology Research Project, in collaboration with students enrolled in MUS 323 at the University of Dayton. Funded in part by two seed grants from the Dean’s Office of the College of Arts and Sciences. The study engages with populations in the city of Dayton who have been displaced by red-lining and gentrification to determine the effects sound has had on these populations historically. Specifically, the project utilizes sound recordings, soundwalks, anonymized collection and analysis of demographic data, and interlocutor interviews with Dayton residents (musicians and non-musicians) of various locations around the city, and will aggregate these findings into an interactive map.
LGBTQ+ Music Study Group
Executive Director, co-founder
1) to promote academic inquiry into issues of gender and sexuality in the study of music; 2) to create a safe space and support system for LGBTQ+ people within the scholarly community; and 3) to serve as a consulting body for wider issues of diversity and inclusion within music research, education and performance. Aspiring toward a queer politics informed by feminist and decolonizing efforts, our Study Group provides a space for cultivating and developing cutting edge academic, political and social work.
If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.